Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Porphyry mines, Myos Hormos, Egypt

Kimonakos yiatros


Family originated in Arcadia, Greece with the name of Chrysopoulos, probably. Moved to Magnesia, Asia Minor around 1780, changed the name to the equivalent Altinoglou

dentistry class of 1934-athina

Afghanistan me ellinika onomata - in Greek

Badahkstan ( the northeastern province of Afghanistan) = ancient "Balaskeia" which means a "vault" or "thesavrofylakio" in Greek. The reason for this name is the area is rich in gemstones primarily Lapis Lazuli. The old mine, apparently, has been in operation for 7,000 years and its name is given as Darrah Zu. It is located in the remote valley of Kokcha river. At the mouth of this river, which is where this river meets the Amu Darya river, lies the city of Ai Khanum, probably the ancient Eucratidia, named after king Eucratides, the Greek-Bactrian king. This city is the only Greek city that has been excavated so far. It is one of the so-called "1000 Greek cities of the Bactrian Empire" according to Tan.