Saturday, October 29, 2011

Kilikia: 1001 churches

25 km N of Karaman near village of Madensehri stands a large ruined church with some old frescoes. 5 km higher up the village of Degle on a hill. It is the center of Binbir Kilise which includes the remains of some well-maintained Byzantine churches and mausoleums. The complex enjoyed prosperity between the 3rd and 8th cent. but in the 11th cent. was destroyed by the Seljuks. About 50 church ruins remain and they have given some insight into the history of church architecture. The basilica are particularly interesting. They are constructed of ashlar and unlike most churches of Asia Minor do not have flat roofs, but are vaulted throughout because of shortage of timber in central Anatolia. To the NE can be found more churches and monasteries dating from the 9th and 10th cent. On the Mahlic Tepesi the principal summit of Kara Dag range at a height of 2,771 m stand the remains of a 9th cent. Byzantine monastery and a Hittite grotto with hieroglyphics, copies of which may be seen in the museum at Karaman.
Ancient Derbe was visited by St. Paul. It is located at the foot of Mt. Karadag (2288m), now an extinct volcano. Located near Madensehir on the northern slope of the mountain the Valley of Bin Bir Kilise (1001 churches) houses the remains of numerous Byzantine chapels and churches.

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