Friday, October 28, 2011

Aiolis: Lampsakos area

Canakkale today (Sestos was right across, the narrowest crossing)
Here Leandros crossed (acc. to the Iliad).He swam to visit his mistress. Here Xerxes built his famous bridge of boats – 480 BC – crossed it and then torched it to make sure his army did not return. Today, no excavations done, only remains of the walls can be seen. In 1810 Lord Byron swam in 4 hours recreating Leander’s feat
Lapseki, today : Famous for cherries. Colony of Phocaea from 6th cent.
Originally Pityousa, famous for its wine in ancient times, it was wealthy, had gold coins from the 4th cent. BC, an activity only available to the more prosperous cities. Notable for its worship of Priapus who was said to have been born there. Produced a series of famous philosophers.
St. Tryphon was buried here after his martyrdom at Nicaea in 250 AD. He was bishop of the area who took part in Ecumenical councils.
Exact location unknown, only coins have survived

Dardanos : the legendary ancestor of the Trojans, son of Zeus and Electra, the ancestor of Priamos. Tumulus present. In Canakkale Museum : most beautiful art is the Knidos Aphrodite
Neandria : close to Ezine town, completely surrounded by walls, 500 m above sea level. Site deserted after the  establishment of Alexandria Troas.
Temple of Apollo

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