Saturday, October 29, 2011

Frygia: Sevasti

Afyon : (= opium), changed to Afyonkarahisar ( opium black castle) Hittites, Lydians, Phrygians, Greeks (Akroinon), Byzantines (Nicopolis), Seljuks (Karahisar), 355 marble quarries in the area, mineral waters
Tinatztepe : place with caves discovered in 1968 and explored by Jacques Cousteau
Synnada : Suhut today, founded by Acamas who went there after the Trojan war
Famous marble : light color with purple spots and Usak : Efkarpia, site of the Karun Treasure : 363 Lydian artifacts from 7th cent. BC, returned from New York museum after a legal battle. Also known as the Lydian Hoard or Croesus treasure. It was found in a tomb tumulus
In 2005 a golden hippocamp was switched with a fake,
Banaz : ancient Panasion, several hot thermal springs,
Sivasli : Sebaste, famous for strawberry. Ruins near town, unexplored. One of numerous Sebaste towns

Karun treasure

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