Sunday, October 30, 2011

Frygia: Dinar

Ishekli (Eumenea) : on the river Glaucus. It was named by Attalus II 159-138 who named it after his brother. Glaucus flows into Meander. Lots of marble inscriptions lying around.
Lots of coins from here
Sandikli : famous for its marble quarries also hot springs and natural mud baths
Dinar : CelaenaeApamea near the source of the Meander river. This was the site of the musical duel between Apollo and Marsyas. Town built among ruins of old city.
Another river, Catarractes starts right in the main square of town and issues into the Meander. Another feature of the square is that the skin of Marsyas the silenus is hanging there where it was put there after Marsyas was flayed by Apollo. Here Xerxes built a palace after he lost the battles in Greece.
Recently, town suffered from earthquake and people left, so it is a small town

Previously Kibotos, ancient city in Phrygia founded by Antiochus I Soter – whose mother was Apama. Apamea was on lower ground than Celaenae. Remains are a theatre, and many inscriptions. River Marsyas starts in town then becomes precipitous and violent (Catarractes) and joins the Meander. It goes through a park – Xerxes used to go hunting for gazelles (Dinar, means gazelle)
Used to have lots of Jews, rich, that is why was called Kibotos = chest of money
Violent earthquakes : lakes appeared where none were before as well as springs
Cay : (Julia Ipsus), Antigonus killed in a power struggle. Outside town, an old bridge with 40 arches
Bolvadin  (Polybotum) with a castle, earthquakes
Emirdag : 12 km away is Amorion (from Phrygians, Byzantines)
Completely destroyed and its inhabitants massacred in 838-845 by Abbasid (Arabs)
Used to have Christians before, Alevis today
Bucak : marble in the area

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