Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ionia: Priene

Magnesia on Meander
At the confluence of the Meander with Lithaios river
Temple of Artemis of Leucofryene: one of the biggest in Asia Minor. Unlike most other temples(who faced East), this was facing West
Statue of Artemis inside temple


Jesus’ mother and St. John buried here
Androcles established city
Has largest theatre of Asia Minor. Its stadium was a place of Christian persecution in 3 & 4th cent. AD
Temple of Artemis was one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world (105 m by 60 m). Only 1 column survives today! Its colonnade resembled a marble forest!
Built with Hippodamean (grid) system
Temple of Athena: one of the best examples of ancient Greek architecture. Typical Ionic style
One of the oldest theatres, built in 4th cent. BC had marble thrones for officials & a hydraulic clock to time speeches
Used to be on the coast, at the mouth of the Meander river, now many km inland
Place where winding pattern of a river was observed (meandering river)

Wealthiest city in ancient Greece, had 90 colonies. Home of most important philosophers, scientists of ancient world
Destroyed completely by Persians in 494 B.C.
Rebuilt in Hippodamean (grid) system
Beginning of the 17 km-long Sacred Way to oracle of Didyma
Harbor  silted up, now away from ocean

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