Saturday, October 29, 2011

Kilikia: Olbia


Name means tall-ish tower
32 km north of Silifke, famous for its great Temple of Zeus Olbius
on the way there – 7 km – is village of Demircili (Imbriogon in ancient times) which has several impressive tombs visible from the road
At Olbia, the most impressive ruins are those of the Temple of Zeus Olbius, the nearby Temple of Tyche and the monumental city gate. There are also ruins of a Nympheon (fountain) and a theatre.
Of course, there is the eponymous tall Hellenistic Tower, a stolid squarish one over 22 m high, built for observation and defence.
Further north, necropolis rich in rock-hewn tombs and sarcophagi.
Several km further at Olba remains of another temple, ruined aqueduct crossing a valley scattered with tombs

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