Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Sanli Urfa (Edessa)
Other names : Orrha, Callirrhoe, Justiniopolis
Sanli = means great, glorious. It was added to the name in 1984 in recognition of war of independence
The city of Edessa was a powerful centre with churches, schools and monasteries
1144 AD: siege of Edessa, most citizens slaughtered by Turks
Under the Ottomans there were 3 Christian communities : Syrian, Armenian, Latin. The last Syrians left in 1924
today: stronghold of governing AK party. Many Kurds, but assimilated
Traditional birthplace of Abraham – a cave to the south of the city
The legendary Pool of Sacred Fish : where Abraham was thrown into the fire of Nimrod
The Great Mosque built in 1170 at the site of a Christian church

Viran sehir
Name means destroyed town
Ruins of Antoniopolis : destroyed by Persians 4th cent.
Destroyed by earthquake 350 AD
Rebuilt by Romans with castle and double wall & called Konstantina
1644 : ruined again
1908 : uprising by Kurds almost destroyed the town

                                                   Diyarbakir (Amida)

2nd largest city in the SE
Unofficial capital of Kurdistan
Famous for watermelons
The bones of apostle Thomas buried here
Persians massacred the Romans after a siege of 73 days in 359 AD
                                                              Byzantine Walls

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