Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lycaonia: Lystra

Karaman (Laranda)
Interesting sites in the area :
--Derbe : visited 3 times by St. Paul in 53 AD, old bishopry
---Madensehir : 37 km
--- Alahan monastery : from 5th cent. Goksu valley
--- Derekoy Fisandon church (mosque) from 9th cent. 7 km south
---- Cesmeli Fountain church in city center
---Meraspolis or Meraspulla Cave : in Ermenek town, one of the largest in the world
--- Manazan caves, in Yesildere Valley on Karaman-Tasdere road 40 km away
Destroyed by Perdicas in 322 BC. Later, Byzantine. In 1256 taken over by Karamanoglou Bey.
Many Armenians and Greeks from this area still retain the name Karaman.
Mt. Karadag : locally known as Mahalac (Angel Michael), 1001 churches unexplored

                     Karaman Museum

Manazan. 50 km east of Karaman are the fascinating remains of Manazan. Built during Byzantine times, the entire city-monastery was carved into the rocky hillside of the valley. Today, parts of the city are still used for wheat storage.
Yesildere, karaman : one of the oldest early Christian monasteries, countless rooms, tunnel-like passages & galleries are reached via a remarkable staircase

Isauria Vetus : the old Isavria, fiercely independent tribe, discovered in 1901
50 Greek inscriptions, magnificent tombs (3-5 cent AD), epitaphs of 3 bishops Theophilus, Sisamoas, Mamas. Ruins of town and fortifications

Ta Lystra, mentioned in the Bible, visited  by Paul, 30 km south of Konya
Ruins of a church with a big cross marked on the wall, a winery, and ruins of a city located over the top of a hill which is called Alusumas, where another church ruin. Not excavated yet. Was on the Persian Royal Road

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