Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pontos - Sivas

Artvin : Kolhis (Ancient), Livani (Byzantine), on Akampsis potamos
Laz peoples, Muslim Georgians, Armenians,
Mesudiye : Greek Mesoudie, ancient rock tombs, used to be Milas,, later Hamidiye in 1876, then Mesoudiye in 1908. later Greek name was Meletios from the Melanthios river
Used to be a mostly Greek town
Pompeiopolis : near Taskopru founded by Pompey in 65 BC on the left bank of river
Pompey eradicated the pirates from the Mediterranean coast, then war on Mithridates and defeated him, then founded 7 towns with his veterans the first inhabitants

Sivas (Sebasteia)

large deposits of iron at Divrigi

Megalopolis founded by Pompey the Great, changed name end of 1st cent. to Sebasteia in honor of Augustus
Home of St. Blaise & St. Peter of Sebaste, Eustathius, founder of monasticism in Anatolia, the place of martyrdom of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste of the 4th cent.
Thermal springs
Many prominent Armenians born here
The Sivas massacre : Alevi
Yildizeli : Alevis, Circassians, hot springs

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