Sunday, July 8, 2012

Vithynia: Moudania

Uluabat  (Apollonia) on Ryndakos lake is shallow with small islands.
Lake Uluabat : (Apollonias lake ad Rhyndacum), on its shores, very important because was along main trade routes. Today, Mustafakemalpasa (was Kirmaste)
Apollonia ad R. was along the river, today Apolyont. The lake was called Apolloniatis. The town remains are small. Many small islands, one is called St. Constantine, there was a monastery, its ruins include an inscribed cross with apses to east and west.
The lost Delphic inscription with the commandments of Sosiadou (one of the Seven Sages) were found in Miletopolis and also at AiKhanoum in Afghanistan

Moudanya (Mudanya)area : Kursunlu monastery


Zeytinbagi (= olive yard)  Triglia

Triglia = red mullet  or Tri + ilya = 3 priests
Ayion Theodoron church (Fatih camii)
Taz Mektep – monastery from early 1900s
Ruins of Byzantine churches
Famous for olives
Shipowner Filippos Kavounides born here
People migrated to Rafina

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