Saturday, October 29, 2011

Aiolis: Pergamos and area

Mycenean ceramics found here
The capital city of the Attalids between 283 and 133 BC
The famous library lasted from 198 to 32 BC
Home of famous doctor Galen and traveler-recorder Pausanias
Destroyed by the Arabs in 716 AD
The Attalids built the Attalou Stoa in Athens
The Pergamians were protectors of the Greeks : they beat up the Galatians in 230 BC
City had a population of 150,000 during the 2nd cent. AD
There was a 3.5 m tall copy of the statue of Athena made by Phedias
The theatre was one of the most imposing in the Hellenistic world. It has a Greek style, in other words it rests on bedrock
Temple of Zeus is the best preserved sculpture of the Hellenistic age-now in the Berlin Museum
The frieze depicts local hero Tilephos, mythical king of Mysia and son of Hercules, in the fight between the Gods and Titans, more than 100 figures
Many gymnasia, temple of Serapis, two theatres
2.5 km away from Pergamos at the site of hot springs
Many types of therapy were used: spring baths, herbs, drinking “sacred” water, hypnosis
At the end of the Sacred Way from Pergamos
Pitani: established by Myrina, an Amazonian queen
Cyme: established by an Amazon queen
Myrina: destroyed in 17 AD by an earthquake. This is where the small clay figurines were discovered, all representing women. Started a competition among museums as to which will acquire them- end of 19th cent.
Colonists came from the Greek region of Phocea, got permission from Cyme to establish a colony
In 547 B.C. they decided to immigrate rather than submit to the Persians
Had very elaborate protective walls 5 km long
Temple of Athina
Established 3,000 B.C. on a small island
A swan depicted in their coins. Name derived from the sound swans make (clazo)
Alexander built a causeway with mainland
Home of the philosopher Anaxagoras
Home of the clay sarcophagi – 80 were exhibited in the Smyrne Evangeliki school but were destroyed by fire
Temple of Dionysos, was the biggest of this God. Built by Hermogenes.
Size was 18.5 m by 30 m

Colophon: became very rich due to the great fertility of the soil. Life of luxury and waste for its citizens. City destroyed by Lysimahos in 299 B.C.
Notion : the harbor city of Colophon. Had a temple of Athena
Important oracle of Apollo. Established by Manto, daughter of the sheer Teiresias of Thebes (or by her son Mopsos)
Temple of Apollo, one of the few Doric style temples of Asia Minor
Oracles were presented during the night of certain days
A sacred spring. Nearby three colossal statues of Apollo, Artemis and their mother Leto
The oracle closed after the ban ruled by Emperor Theodosius in 395 A.D.

Established by the sons of Hercules. Many Jews came here after they were expelled from Jerusalem by the invading Babylonians
The first gold coins struck in 6th cent B.C. Gold obtained in the river Pactolos
Temple of Artemis: one of the 7 largest in Asia Minor(45 m by 99 m) built by Hermogenes
Croesus was the local king who impressed the Greeks greatly. Apollo saved him from the fire
More than 1,000 graves found in typical Lydian style
Magnesia on Sipylon: established in the 11th cent. BC by Thessalians
Destroyed 17 AD by an earthquake
Nearby carving on the mountain representing Cybele
Another carving representing Niobe, who turned into stone when she heard that her children were killed by Apollo

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