Saturday, October 29, 2011

Frygia: Aizanoi

Dorylaion (Eskisehir)
Name means old city. A Byzantine city. Has hot sulfur springs
Bishop Eusebius heavily involved in shaping the evolving dogma of the church
Remains of old city nearby. Phrygian Highlands
Site of 2 battles : 1st crusaders 1097 against Seljuks, but defeat of the 2nd crusaders
Duzce :  ancient monuments called Konsopa. Especially thanks to the Armenians and the Greek who settled down and started to trade the town had a lively life
On the Rhyndacos river, navigable, commercial port. No walls around the city
4 bridges (2 still used today). Temple of Zeus : The best preserved temple of Asia Minorbuilt by Adrian, 117-138 AD. Built by Hermogenes, in marble

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