Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gates of Nikaia

Bursa (Prusa) 4th largest city     thermal baths       Uludag Univ. (47,000)
Porthitis : first not to be buried in Prousa, but at church of Agion Apostolon in Istambul

Gemlik (Kios) nearby Aberkios monastery

Yalova (Elenopolis) : Saint Helen’s home town. She had a tavern

Yalova : name from gialos = beach nearby

Thermai : hot springs

Iznik ( Nicaea)
5 km of walls (4th cent), 10 m high, double ditch with +100 towers. Large gates on the 3 land-bound sides (west side along lake)—only way in

1st & 2nd councils, 1st & 7th Ecumenical councils, Nicene creed

place where concept of Trinity was defined
Ancient theatre
Church of Dormition: most important Byzantine Cathedral in Asia Minor
Lysimahos named city after his wife, daughter of Antipater
City is a square 16 stadia in circumference, it had 4 gates. So that a monument in the center would be visible from all gates
Komninos : he ferried boats into the lake where Nikaia is
Hipparchos  born 194 BC the greatest astronomer of antiquity

East Gate

East Gate

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