Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pontos coast

Amisous : colony of Miletus 7th cent BC
Fertile ground and shallow waters : ideal combination
Between two main rivers : Kizilirmak : red river (Halys) and Yseilirmak (green river, Iris)
Tekkekoy : if you dig a little, you will find bones (mass graves) : none of the authorities showed any interest. There are 4 ruined churches in the village. The primary school built on the main church
Unye (Oenoe) history back to Hittites, castle from Pontus era

Bolaman : from Polemon, the aristocrat from Laodikeia (Denizli) who was appointed King of Pontus and central Anatolia by Augustus
Prominent Castle . Most inhabitants Alevis
At the tip, Cape Yasun, there was a temple of Jason protecting the sailors, now a church
Ordu  (Cotyora), hazelnuts, some Greeks left behind

Giresun (Kerasous, Pharnakia, Choerades) producer of hazelnuts, cherries first exported in roman times. High pastures = yayla
Colonists from Sinope, ruined Byzantine castle, island called Aretias- the only island in Black Sea, island sacred to amazons, had temple to Ares,
Kesap (Kassiope), had 600 Greeks, area has an  abandoned argentiferous lead mine

Tirebolu  (Tripolis) west of Harsit river (Harsiotis), by Milesians in 656 BC,
Ruins of a monastery on Hac dagi mt.
Gorele (Koralla), Genoese named it
Eynesil : Milesian colony from 670 BC, Greeks from 765 BC, Alevi people
Akcakale = white castle,
Akcaabat(= abundance of money)  (Platana) famous dance called horonu, Miletos colony, Ermonassa

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